Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Reupholster Boats

Monkfish (Lophius piscatorius) or Marulk

A collection of monkfish along with my brother. (My brother left)
anglerfish was a fish a rarely used Noka value here in the past. my father can tell that one he threw at sea of \u200b\u200b40-50th century. No one who ran the fishing Vestfjorddalen Basin would like to use nature to Noka. In recent years, a preserved fish that have a reputation for being a delicacy in the finest fishing poles guess.

ufisken That this can be as long as 2 meters and up to 100 kg had another advantage, you know maybe not everyone. When insulin was first isolated from pancreas, it happened the first time in a monkfish. Otherwise, is not the worst word a shell can be called data from these fish, but from the halibut. To be an "angler" is not so bad. When is it worse to be called a kveithau '

I Had Chlamydia For 5 Month

Kongsbakken bangs further

leadership on Kongsbakken secondary school in Tromsø is not only against the Norwegian. They are also manipulative and undemocratic.
For half a year ago announced Kongsbakken with great fanfare that they kept doing great things. A attempts with only one character in the subject Norwegian should say so and revolutionize the teaching there. When the school just before Christmas bragged about the Northern Lights over the experiment, we showed in Nynorsk team to critical questions. It lacked plans for evaluation. It lacked qualified hypotheses about what they wanted to achieve. The school had therefore decided in advance that the experiment was ingenious, even though it was not clear what should be measured or how it should be measured. Later it turned out that the academic reasons would not be scientific institutions evaluate "experiment", neither the University of Bergen or the Writing Centre in Trondheim. Then the school was trying to scrape together money to buy their evaluation.

In the last week
bathroom Elisabeth Aspaker (Right) in the class ask Minister Kristin Halvorsen pay for an evaluation, but Halvorsen would not. She said among other things: "A premise when requested to conduct local trials, is that it finances its own evaluation of these tests." Yet Halvorsen stated that she intends to use the test to revise the curriculum, despite the lack of evaluation. It is our view unserious all that time the minister's own regulations require serious scientific evaluation before such associations can trek cast.

Locally, it is interesting that not only supports Riksmålsforbundet character test King of Hill. Nynorskmotstandaren Aspaker (H) have been King landing 'Friend of the case, and again we see that there is no way on how willing the Right to use tax money on trials that means nynorsk cuts. And the party adopted at the congress last weekend to promote themselves even more as nynorskhat party.

Nynorsk team notes that all objections against our "experiment" has been confirmed - not only the language policy. School kvalietssikrar not attempt the work, and thus contains no academic goals. Pupils can tell that the objections they have against the attempt, is not being taken seriously. In the magazine Tromsø were just two students there and talked about his school approach to extend the experiment. Critical voices have been pushed out, and in pure totalitarian style you only asked them which is agreed to continue the experiment, to support the application for extension of it. To have a management away those parts of the council who disagree. You smell the manipulation long way. Is there no one who can stop the school, or should they just get the pound continues with its fragile political project?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Why Am I Getting Stomach Cramps


Angora No. 18 - 2011

"I am a young educated businessman who since 2008 is trying to run their own business as a grocery store in the center of a big city. I create jobs for eight people, regularly pays taxes, social insurance-y, permits, payments to workers while he worked from morning to night.

In 2007 he went to the election of raised his head, planting the first time I found a party whose program covers up to my expectations. Lower taxes, easier for entrepreneurs, jednomandatowe constituencies, elimination of tax beams and peace in politics - those were the terms that attracted me to the Lord's lot, and generally to vote. I never thought to be only empty words and meaningless empty election. Probably resulting from the naivete of youth. The reality, however, showed the true face.
In four years, the Civic Platform did not do anything to make life easier for micro-enterprises, who make up about 40% of jobs in the economy, and about 30% of GDP. Micro-enterprises, which employ up to nine people, almost always pay taxes in Poland, as opposed to large corporations. Recently forced their "junk law" cup of bitterness overflowed. Let
mention all the obstacles created by your government and parliament, which feels my company, because maybe not everyone is aware of this: first
The Civic Platform raised the basic rate of VAT to 23%, which severely affected the turnover of small shops.
second The Civic Platform has eliminated the deductibility of VAT on fuel purchased for cars used for business business. Value added tax has ceased to be an indirect tax. Driving passenger car company, I have to add VAT on fuel to the final price of the goods.
third Civic Platform in a very expeditious manner made changes in VAT rates and while the PCGS grading (which assigns rates to specific goods), giving no transitional period or combination of preparatory changes in VAT and PCGS 01.01.2011 at one time was
4 . The fixed rate of VAT has been attributed, without much sense, such as frozen bud is 8% VAT, and thawed already 23% VAT. Through the process of thawing the value increased by at least 15%, probably is a wonderful Polish air so it works.
5th Finance Minister Jan Vincent Rostowski Master, do not prolong the validity of the old "green" and "blue" excises on alcohol, introducing a new "brown". There was no information about these changes, each focused on a change in VAT and PCGS, and I in the new year 2011 remained with the product for a few thousand, which I can not sell.
6th The Civic Platform has introduced a law on hazardous waste, which imposes a fine of EUR 10 thousand. case of non-gold summary of statements, or even being late by one day. At the same time deadline for submitting statements was accelerated from 31 March to 15 March, without a broader campaign.
7th The Civic Platform creates a bank levy, which will be easily translated into U.S. - entrepreneurs and small fact that the Polish branch of Visa Europe's highest charge a commission for card payments from businesses, government no longer interested.
8th The Civic Platform introduces a reckless law by not maintaining vacatio legis in any of the cases.

Any help? Platform Civic boasted that it has introduced a "one stop shop" for companies operating in the office and the possibility of suspension of activities. And so what? Like most businesses, the City Council very rarely visit, and whether the firm bet in an hour or two days, does not make much difference. Suspend the company also does not plan to. The government also provides the ability to open companies on the Internet. This is a very good idea, just before the elaborate enough business to turn them into the company, as a result of government action is likely to go broke.

I am not writing this letter as part of a campaign against the Civic Platform, because I do not plan to vote in this election nor the PiS nor the PO, SLD and PSL. I'm writing it because I'm tired of hypocrisy of the politicians who represent us on the one hand a green island and how it helped a lot of Polish enterprises, and other "silently" throw shoddy legal and stretch their hands for money. I regret that in recent presidential elections gave voice to Bronislaw Komorowski. Had he won his rival, at least as harmful wetowałby solution, which introduces government. Probably the Civic Platform, together with the PSL has helped large corporations through tax exemptions and the creation of special economic zones. Small businesses do not have such opportunities and are treated as a razor to draw money. As long as politicians do not begin to treat us as equal partners, and regularly pay taxes in Poland and create jobs, as long as I do not plan to participate in the vote - unless casting invalid votes in protest. Unfortunately, this is also the view of most traders, businessmen, with whom I have contact.