Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Funny And Clever Wedding Invitation Wording

Where in the New Year ..? :)

After several Sylwestrach organized by us, this year the joy of going to take a organized New Year's Eve in Bieszczady:)!
Organizatorce - Wiola - we wish you much patience and a wonderful time!
Oliver will be at the New Year's Eve preacher:)
Ok. 40 people planned to meet and have a wonderful time together:)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Pokemon Sapphire Pokemon Modifier Vba

Travels in the South Polish .. Festive atmosphere

So you travel between cities .. and still remain in the family:)
I choose to settle the matter, the Polish "errands")
we feel great, being back in Poland and we are glad that it still will be continued .. almost a month.
And then back again This intensive study and new cultural experiences.
greet you all and let me know what u you?

Friday, December 24, 2010

Do Pharmacies Sell Syringe Filters


Heisan, there has been a busy week, so here comes the final post with advendtskalendaren as I thought I should have posted this weekend. It is made after the model of Mariann.no . I saw it on her blog last year before Christmas and thought it was amazing. So this year I had to try this one. It was very handsome to make, a lot of work to secure the packages inside so they this down in order. It is made of one of my aunt, children, Mary aged 12, she is very clever and loves to make cards she, too, it is therefore filled with things to scrapping. Would otherwise wishes all a FANTASTIC FIN Christmas and a glorious, new scrapping years! And not least, THANK YOU for all the pleasant incidents after that I was in Norway last Friday around!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Example Of Congratulatory Speech

unserious attempt Kongsbakken

In Northern Lights 13 December Announces Department Head Odd Gaare at Kongsbakken high school that the school has taken a test with only one character in the Norwegian field of pupils who started in autumn. What he does not tell is that the attempt was postponed because the leadership at the school had not sufficiently looked into what the rules that apply to experiments in school. Directorate of Education sent the application in return because it is not the age requirements as circular on experiments in the school set. Then lay the approval, was half the semester gone.

The most important reason to be skeptical of the experiment is that it add up to less Writing for the pupils. Number of assessed written work is reduced. Pupils get less than Writing pupils at other schools. This is contrary to the medicine they otherwise writing to a school that is constantly being exposed to allegations about the level lowering. Believed King Ski that less input provides better knowledge of writing?

Gaare his presentation makes it necessary to clarify:
Kongsbakken has not been given the opportunity to undertake a project with a grade in the Norwegian foreign terms. The school has been allowed to ask parents and pupils whether they will participate in a trial with fewer grades in Norwegian. There is reason to believe that parents are poorly informed about the project and consequences for students by participating. According to the requirements of the Education Directorate is to thoroughly inform the school about the experiment and it should be optional for parents / students to join. How the school maintains the right to freedom of choice? Today, there are no students / parents who have refused to participate in the experiment. Kongsbakken have not added up to the parents who want their students to have three grades in Norwegian, get it. Can the lack of information be one of the reasons?

Kongsbakken Secondary School has for several years had poor results in Norwegian secondary language. Had it not been better to address this challenge in place, or is intended to attempt to cover up this fact? The only joy doctor seems to be that type Gaare nynorsk, and we look forward to his continuing with it.

Rules Before Brazilian Laser

I'm sitting comfortably on a chair in the house-in-law and I'm floating aroma of baked dough. I think the smell is dominant in most homes and some were already ogranięci by Jingle. We would like to wish you all a beautiful, peaceful and blessed Christmas. So that you have found the beauty of Christmas in those spiritual things that happened that year in Bethlehem.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Rattan Chair Baby Shower Chair

Magic fotos

Lately there have been lots of talk about åndeliv and magical events. The photo today is from the Duomo in Milan in the summer of 2010. Who are those around me were I do not know. Ghost, spirit beings?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Cold Sore On Black People

Round Norway

Heisan! I was in Norway around yesterday tonight:) Fun to be with. If they want to see it, only to go into nrk.no Web TV and search for Norway around. Otherwise, thank you to all the nice feedback I've received yesterday and today. Was going to make a post with several images, but they lie on the memory stick that my son has with him on a trip this weekend, hope to get to a post tomorrow evening with, among other things, an Advent ends I've made. Here a picture of a bag I have made. It looks a little bit strange, it should have been photographed without being full of twist.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Speech Congratulating House Aptains

Christmas Mood Narvik

yesterday celebrated Narvik Lucia Day with a light feast around the lady in the square. Catch cans along Frydenlund bridge and over to Oscar Borg did it feel full. Here we see the area regarded as Kikinda place up on the turf Hall roof. Kikinda is the Serbian friendship town of Narvik which is situated up in Vojvodina. The city had particularly many prisoners in Beisfjord camp during the war. Deadly Hot in the camp during the Serbian period was on par with the worst camps on the continent.

Catcher Console - Web Monitor

already came back to Poland the land and we are happy to see you with our families. So many things happened during these last three months, from now I do not know where to start:) But it will be time for it ....

little coldly greeted us with the airport in Katowice. Two times we had approached for landing because of snow ... It was bad, but the Lord God was watching and did not have to be afraid.

Today we spend time with parents and the story has no end .... :)

good time before Christmas!

O & L

Monday, December 13, 2010

How Much Does A Signed Ireland Rfc Sell For

"In the stables and living room" - the Norwegian cultural hegemony in a nutshell

Today is Lucia Day. Everyone has been there with him. The neo-religious Swedish leather brought the tradition of uskuldskvite little girls with candlesticks hair and white candles in their hands, singing duck about "the darkness that falls in the stable and living room." First and foremost, this is a matter of nursery culture. The kindergarten children were Lucia Day. Before this he was to be found only in Sweden, where kindergartens came first. Second, celebrating one of the best indicators of the invention of a tradition that illustrates the Norwegian cultural hegemony. The old Neapolitan song to Teodoro Cottrau St.Lucia is a matter of simply not about romance or domestic culture in "stable and living room." Since he is translated from Swedish comes this completely away. St.Lucia was, in fact, the song fishermen in the Gulf of Naples song when they were out at sea, not unlike the thousands of Norwegians along the long emphasized the coast experienced.

"O dolce Napoli, o suol Beato", called it one of the versa to the Neapolitan song on St.Lucia. Well in Norwegian bokmål / Eastern country has a tradition managed to move this to the stable in an inland farm

They sang about the silver star which reflects the sea, on the favorable wind, the peaceful waves and requested that St.Lucia came aboard in his "Barchetta" - their boat. Furthermore, it acted just about getting good weather and good wind, and then shelved the Gulf of Naples, the beautiful bay where the east, "O dolce Napoli, o suol Beato". (O sweet Napoli, o signaling countries). Hence, many are surprised to hear the song among boaters in the Bay of Naples throughout the year.

To get the song to be a peasant romantic song about the darkness that falls in the stable is simply over, especially considering that the majority of people in our country live along the coast and has a connection to the sea that is about the coastal and fishing, transport, trade and communication, and not least in recent years, offshore activities. But this føyar itself only in the traditional Norwegian way where Dølen kulturbærar the nation and the farmer, the most important occupational group of Norwegian nationalism, and the Hungarian land and sea have to harp on all the things austlandske - on bokmålsk of course. To go there when Norwegian traditions shall be put from the Swedish and not from the original language.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

What To Wear To Look Hot At Ice Skating


tomorrow flight to Polish.
Tomorrow recent devotion to The Well, in Retford. We will also assist the congregation café, because the person who has lived for the last few days, is already committed to in this group.
Then we were invited to dinner by a couple of American missionaries. At the end of the visit of our Polish friends in Retford, and in the evening .... frrrrr .... fly.
Do you hear / read / see you in GB!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Best Place To Celebrate B Day Bangalore

The closer the more adventure travel

car is not fired, sleepless night, the pipe broke from the cold .... so much going on during the winter of the century in England.

after many hardships we got to a good home where it is warm and clear. As usual, it turned out to people who believe you can rely on. We are staying for a few days before the departure of persons from a nearby house Baptist Church. We can confirm this with the people from the church you can count!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tay Du Ky 1996 English Subtitles


welcome and serve the state of our days - we were staying in the house of one of the university employees. U librarian:) All the students left, some were, like us, moved a few days until departure, the friendly family.

comes closer to the dark, frosty evening, and already more and more we long for our rodzinkami:) In this situation przebukowalismy tickets and return on Monday. 're Already excited! :)

Meanwhile, Oliver ends the essay, I will go and go about the book, which is not finished. In this house in exile, as a stranger, it's a good idea to spend the night. And only the fireplace is missing;)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Star Wars The Clone Warshantai

Post in debate

From the Department of History at Bodø University College has come a brand new logo submissions. When justifying from section called it: We are the fresh, airy and fagerike university. We go up and up.
inspiration behind the proposal came after a section of its members participated in a children's party.

Gprs Modem Driver Model 007

Communication Changes from the last time

hours. 14.30
Together with a group of students we are on campus, but how it will continue to look this week, that we do not know.
For those who wonder what the winter doing here with the British, a brief explanation -> " Unfortunately, when a few days ago we gave a" good example - snow, the English, passing, and asked - "Well you play ?!"... When Oliver wanted to organize a team of guys to fight with the snow - he was told that students write better essays and leave them alone .. Well now it would help only the ice-breaker or a flamethrower ..
Well, these are the cultural differences:] "

hours. 12
situation at the court. Until frost nips the eyes ...

hours. 11
for eight hours over heating. We have been asked if possible to leave the premises of the university. We will inform you further.

Today the chair. 9 university was officially closed due to frost.
will keep you informed ...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Treated Wood As A Wall

Star ... shows the way to PL

There was no opportunity before, so we show now - about a week ago, when snow still over England just condensed - this scenery with summer here at our window.
A few days later, the paper cut-outs have become a reality:)
This was built a little snow sztuka probably longing for the Polish, which more and more (in As we approach the exit for Christmas) is compounded ... So very pleased that we will be able to see with our families.
formed last essay ...

Friday, December 3, 2010

Severe Headache Nausea

Logo Logo Debate

I did not get a new job before I harbor a new debate about the "visual identity". I have other words, the port of a new logo debate. In recent years, a certain industry cost the opening in full of all the great logos they have been able shook out of his hat. All sorts of organizations and public institutions have had a leadership that sits there servilt and says that this was really nice, although the innermost do not believe it. At the University of Stavanger was a professional company of creative designers designed a new logo, apparently from one or another region with a kind of sacred power, virtually a sacred virgin. The result was that everyone in the organization known as the new logo for "spøgelset" because that was what they saw. At the University of Tromsø, should they have a new profile, because they merged with the school teacher. When the organization was excellent with one of the most ingenious logos any anger - Odin Ramnes Hugin and Munin .
If these people called among other things: "The name suggests Hugin thought and Munin name suggests memory. It is said that every morning at dawn, fly Hugin and Munin out in the world. The notes what is happening, and they listen to what Host said. Nothing can be hidden Hugin and Munin. "Perfect symbol of a university that will be foremost in research and teaching.

After the employees mobilized strong, had communications department reach weapon, and the phasing out of Ramnes was halted. The graphic designs rob was scorned, but received his prize money .

Then came the fatal utspelet from the new northern Norwegian University of Nordland, which will have a kind of non-figurative "Barbie" logo - quote Roger Lockertsen - like this:

What is justifying the logo developed by Visual Concepts Rayon AS ? Yes, it's "angular shapes composed a whole that represents the contrast-filled, raw and majestic scenery in Nordland. "And further:
  • We must associate to the way the mountain plunges into the sea
  • how light hits the side of a rock wall
  • The dewy and lush green grass at the head of a small cove
  • The chalk out the beach which is revealed behind a headland
  • The high heaven peaks stretching towards and
  • Autumn colors reflected in the sea
Good morning, I say. Is possible, others have said. Is this a university or "VisitSweden Nordland," I ask now. Should not this be the symbols associated to the research and education, or is this just a step in "branding corporate interests"? Unfortunately Rayon Visual Concepts ", this was not good enough for me.