Monday, December 13, 2010

How Much Does A Signed Ireland Rfc Sell For

"In the stables and living room" - the Norwegian cultural hegemony in a nutshell

Today is Lucia Day. Everyone has been there with him. The neo-religious Swedish leather brought the tradition of uskuldskvite little girls with candlesticks hair and white candles in their hands, singing duck about "the darkness that falls in the stable and living room." First and foremost, this is a matter of nursery culture. The kindergarten children were Lucia Day. Before this he was to be found only in Sweden, where kindergartens came first. Second, celebrating one of the best indicators of the invention of a tradition that illustrates the Norwegian cultural hegemony. The old Neapolitan song to Teodoro Cottrau St.Lucia is a matter of simply not about romance or domestic culture in "stable and living room." Since he is translated from Swedish comes this completely away. St.Lucia was, in fact, the song fishermen in the Gulf of Naples song when they were out at sea, not unlike the thousands of Norwegians along the long emphasized the coast experienced.

"O dolce Napoli, o suol Beato", called it one of the versa to the Neapolitan song on St.Lucia. Well in Norwegian bokmål / Eastern country has a tradition managed to move this to the stable in an inland farm

They sang about the silver star which reflects the sea, on the favorable wind, the peaceful waves and requested that St.Lucia came aboard in his "Barchetta" - their boat. Furthermore, it acted just about getting good weather and good wind, and then shelved the Gulf of Naples, the beautiful bay where the east, "O dolce Napoli, o suol Beato". (O sweet Napoli, o signaling countries). Hence, many are surprised to hear the song among boaters in the Bay of Naples throughout the year.

To get the song to be a peasant romantic song about the darkness that falls in the stable is simply over, especially considering that the majority of people in our country live along the coast and has a connection to the sea that is about the coastal and fishing, transport, trade and communication, and not least in recent years, offshore activities. But this føyar itself only in the traditional Norwegian way where Dølen kulturbærar the nation and the farmer, the most important occupational group of Norwegian nationalism, and the Hungarian land and sea have to harp on all the things austlandske - on bokmålsk of course. To go there when Norwegian traditions shall be put from the Swedish and not from the original language.


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