Friday, December 3, 2010

Severe Headache Nausea

Logo Logo Debate

I did not get a new job before I harbor a new debate about the "visual identity". I have other words, the port of a new logo debate. In recent years, a certain industry cost the opening in full of all the great logos they have been able shook out of his hat. All sorts of organizations and public institutions have had a leadership that sits there servilt and says that this was really nice, although the innermost do not believe it. At the University of Stavanger was a professional company of creative designers designed a new logo, apparently from one or another region with a kind of sacred power, virtually a sacred virgin. The result was that everyone in the organization known as the new logo for "spøgelset" because that was what they saw. At the University of Tromsø, should they have a new profile, because they merged with the school teacher. When the organization was excellent with one of the most ingenious logos any anger - Odin Ramnes Hugin and Munin .
If these people called among other things: "The name suggests Hugin thought and Munin name suggests memory. It is said that every morning at dawn, fly Hugin and Munin out in the world. The notes what is happening, and they listen to what Host said. Nothing can be hidden Hugin and Munin. "Perfect symbol of a university that will be foremost in research and teaching.

After the employees mobilized strong, had communications department reach weapon, and the phasing out of Ramnes was halted. The graphic designs rob was scorned, but received his prize money .

Then came the fatal utspelet from the new northern Norwegian University of Nordland, which will have a kind of non-figurative "Barbie" logo - quote Roger Lockertsen - like this:

What is justifying the logo developed by Visual Concepts Rayon AS ? Yes, it's "angular shapes composed a whole that represents the contrast-filled, raw and majestic scenery in Nordland. "And further:
  • We must associate to the way the mountain plunges into the sea
  • how light hits the side of a rock wall
  • The dewy and lush green grass at the head of a small cove
  • The chalk out the beach which is revealed behind a headland
  • The high heaven peaks stretching towards and
  • Autumn colors reflected in the sea
Good morning, I say. Is possible, others have said. Is this a university or "VisitSweden Nordland," I ask now. Should not this be the symbols associated to the research and education, or is this just a step in "branding corporate interests"? Unfortunately Rayon Visual Concepts ", this was not good enough for me.


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