Monday, April 18, 2011

Latest Version Of Pentium

electorate - thank the creator text [away from the PO] Korwin Mikke

PO electorate consists of the following groups:

first Degenerate youth, devoid of principles and morals, often
having trouble with the law, abusing "drugs" and in addition to having complex
point their students / career doing
colleagues (who are the rest of the gloss on the PiS). Education in this group reaches a maximum
extramural on some pseudo-direction (and often ends up on the barely
a remote high school, or even the primary), although it believe
to be "chosen" and more than any other group are willing to humiliate and insult
others, believing himself to be better. Very common
problems with alcohol and drugs and general lack of respect for the law
make them the most degraded part of the population.
Podpuszczone political option for individuals known factor in this group formed the backbone of the so-called
. "Antywawelskich protest" so that we could at
own or see the "young and educated, with a big city," the electorate of the PO.

second All sorts of vulgar criminals, petty thieves, speculators,
"kręciciele ice cream" wyłudzacze annuities and other shady company, seeing in the OP
chance to stay bezkarnymi. Distribution of state under the banner of the PO
conducive to their activities and gives them the assurance that "no fall" and even
though, is the "rule of love" all forgive them. This group can also be added
any "new rich" businessmen out to make money on
human injustice, exploitation of workers, przekrętach, kruczkach
tax and any other łajdactwach. Not without reason
prisons PO ruled - bandit knows what good for them.

third Media półdebile, not capable to distinguish information from opinion,
gazing at "ałdorytety" occasional believer in miracles (including - the second miracle
Ireland) and advertising washing powder. Group
very susceptible to influence, generally a poor and poorly educated. Even lost their jobs and possessions
life, and so believe that they are participating in the Economic Miracle, and "for
duck was worse" - just that the "Lord of TVN" tell like it is and how it was
. Because they gave them tell you that the vote on the PO adds to the class
intelligence and modernity, though he clapped even greater poverty,
and so are convinced of the rightness of their choice. Even if "governments
love and reconciliation," under the banner of A lasted 20 years, will continue to
consistently argued that it is responsible for their poverty, "the nasty chasing
4RP innocent people," because in the end, even though it contradicted logic, reason and healthy
daily observations "Leading press title" and "Facts
TVN" can not lie ... But what to expect from pathological
niereformowalnych półdebili fools and the media? It is worth noting that in many cases
they or their family members are also
the poorest part of the group 2

4th Agents of the former staff and their families, in the OP upatrujący
chance to maintain the status quo that guarantees them enormous privilege, media
impunity and "invisibility." This group can be added the numerous TW
donoszących once on his colleagues and friends, and working out
high government positions (including universities) and
panic fearing the screening, which could ruin both their positions
wrongly acquired professional and social life lying . huge influence in the media, universities and financial institutions
allow them to support the OP to an extent far beyond
standards of democracy and a sovereign country, but have a full awareness that the OP
them for a reward (at the expense of Polish and citizens).

5th They were Communist Party activists (and the organization of the satellite), seeing that, thanks to the OP
"returns the old" in the OP finds the logical continuation of the line
political Party and counting staff in the near future to "participate in the making of ice cream
." People from this group very often they see the loss of sovereignty for Poland
chance to particularistic 'killing a '(or rather
"return to grace"), so today its support Election Law
declare unequivocally on the side of the OP (the few who believe in
any, even the communist ideals - in the SLD). Bezideowa
party who can take care of "its" without hesitation rejecting the good of the country and
citizens in the name of his interest or the guys in their eyes
more valuable ally of the Communist Party ...

6 "Jełropejczycy converts," the fact of being ashamed of Poles, often
emigrants in conversation with a distant foreign friends do not granting
to his nationality, in a conversation with closer friends
nabijającymi opening up of everything Polish. Characterized by their zero-knowledge
history, lack of political knowledge (and often each other, in the end
work "kitchen sink" of knowledge is not necessary), yet consider themselves
"progressives", which manifests itself in blind eyes fixed everything
"Western" - even if the West is that the intelligence
widely criticized. Group also strongly convinced of their uniqueness
as intellectually limited. There are instances
by such people make a career in the media, there are mile
seen as workers from the group of four people - hence the part
"Polish-stateless" can boast a relatively high status

Remember! OP makes you vote for in a number of those people, and as
one of them will be through, smarter and more noble part of society
perceived. Nobody calls you do not degenerate, robber,
półdebilem media, agent, or commie polskojęzycznym
stateless - It's You alone decide the vote on which group

If you are not afraid that the conscience will force you to get rid of the house of mirrors,
and agree to the loss of a moral right to be called the Pole,
if you do not mind that you will not have the right to look at your
children in the eye for it, what is the future they selected, if aware of being manipulated
, okradanym okłamywanym and you do not mind, and
Honor, Pride, Courage, Freedom, Sovereignty, Independence, Patriotism,
Dignity, Honesty, Law and Justice is for you just empty words

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

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What would the world be without the sea?

"Should we be drilling båtan", called it umisskjenneleg north Norwegian, in answer to the question. It is namely not the way to live other than at sea level in our country. In Italy, however, many cities in the country, various reasons of course. An important is that people were renting to live by the sea where they lay open to extortion and robbery and itinerant krigsflåtar that has swept this country over the years. We have the largely been spared from in our country.

Shipping Livorno makes the port to the second busiest in Italy
Some of these inland towns are gems of cultural treasures that others can only dream about as Arezzo, Siena, Lucca Florence and Tuscany in the county. Read you a travel guide from this district and you will virtually know that this is the cities that is worth seeing, and everything else, there is little point in visit.
For someone who can not get by without seeing the sea at regular intervals, it is therefore to swear in the church when I say that you should be with you Livorno next time you're in the area. This Italy's second biggest seaport (after Genoa), known for its container port, its passenger ferries and the electro-chemical industry, with a city rebuilt after the war, hørest not exactly like a particularly exciting destination. But there is much to see in Livorno, although travel guide does not mention the place in particularly positive terms.
This is the city where the Communist Party of PCI was founded by Antonio Gramschi in 1921. There has been an exhibition about this in the city in connection with the 150th anniversary of Italian unification. Which by the way fascist party had been without a communist? How had been developments in the country after the war, if not the communists had been as strong as they did in Livorno, for instance? Today the city is ruled by a center-left coalition and the war has livornesarane always had affinity in the political direction.

city hall in Livorno is built after the war, and in relief above the entrance says that Italy anno 1946 is a democratic republic that is founded on work. Inscription was while the abolition of the monarchy and after having ousted the Fascist regime to the scrap heap

When you exit the train and onto the train station in Livorno gives meeting with architecture, climate and vegetation you an impression of being in France by Riviera. Palm trees and buildings are in Nice or Monte Carlo. Down by the beach, it is moreover a fortress and a lot of channels where ordinary people are lying their boats. Not lavish luxury yachts in Nice or Hankø, but ordinary boats la Rana Plast. And the further out you see the ocean then. The wide open sea, with large ships in the distance. And along the harbor, you can walk on a tiled promenade at the Naval Academy and the beautiful hotels and villas located along the Lungomare. Or you can look at or visit the bathing facilities. Or just simply take a glass of prosecco on one of the crowded cafes along the sea, look at the crowds who wander past and see beyond the big, open, eternal sea.

waterfront in Livorno is an institution in itself. Hit put people in the city night tour (passeggiataen's), not unlike the so-Bodo people forheld to its breakwater.

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Where were you?

when .. Abrupt Oddvar broke his pole? It has forfølgt us in all these years as perhaps the most important historical event after the war, on par with the Cuba crisis, the Olympic Games in Lillehammer and the first man on the moon. Recently I experienced a little of this history steeped in Florence. Rome's great football icon and prima donna Francesco Totti had cut its target number 200 and 201 for the club. (Sigurd Rushfeld and Harald Martin Brattbakk will have us unskyldt).
The event did not go unnoticed in the Renaissance capital. After the game, it was duly highlighted by the media and the protagonist himself. All sports channels did quartzite interview with the man, and it took a little time then. It was really interesting that almost 50 Tosca writers quickly ran so close they came up to the fence to shout out the most outrerte name-calling they could do. Fool, dumming, idiot, bastard, clown, fool, and worse, shotgun molds out of the stadium from the people you would hardly believe could make a mouse afraid. Eagerly they gestured to the east and west, while the voice cracked near the strain. Jumping up and down they did too.

But down at the stadium was completely star lungt and talked about the historical event. 201 goals in Serie A. worst was that he otherwise you only see on TV when he's in the game, moved like a sly fox, sly and ingenious in most he was doing, despite the lack of transparency and rapid pace. seldom see such wisdom attacks among players in international football. The fact that Totti is great also witness the frenzied shouts of. In football there is always the case that the best motspellaren is the person most abused by home fans. Not true?

Monday, April 11, 2011

How Do Capillary Thermostats Work

Watoto Concert - Mambo Sawa!

Last Thursday we had a great chance to go to the concert of Watoto. This is a group of children aged approximately 7-14, coming from Uganda. Most of them are orphans. Traveling around the world and singing about God's grace, raising funds for the so-called. Watoto Village. What is a "village watoto? It is the settlement of cottages along with a school and medical clinic. In each house lives eight orphaned children, which was przygarnięta by the mother. Children who had previously been forced to live on the street - recover the house, new brothers and sisters, mom, hot meals, a chance to continue learning and healthy development.

concert was an unforgettable experience - a small group of about 20 children, singing loudly and happily that " are no longer alone and never alone will not " had a big impression on us! For this, the children all the time ruszały, danced and skipped - they had incredible amounts of energy! Especially since they are already on the road three months, and before them the next three! The most we loved the song: Mambo Sawa! - Or: Life is good! - Life is good! Especially since flowed from the mouth of babes, which in this disaster have found care and love of God. It was impossible not to believe these words ... Great incentive for everyone who attended the concert.

After the concert we had a chance to shake hands with all the young performers, who lined up at the end of the hall, who came to bid farewell to the concert:) To make your "brick" - we supplied the African products: bag and necklace (made the mutilated women, who in this way, collect measures)
Want to know more? Visit:

If you are reading this article, and something in the heart does not give you peace, you may want to think about supporting this mission ...? By sponsoring a Watoto child in the village, you can change his life story. We encourage you, please visit the Watoto.

Mambo Sawa!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Making A Home For My Hedgehog

University of Nordland shows the way

For many years, there have been proposals from various environments at the University of Tromso to provide houses and buildings on campus named after people, so there are many other places. Many critics have seen "through the building" and "Breivika III" is stupid names. But in all these years, there has been little interest in this. Today, only the Department of History who has received a building named after the Tromsø-born historian Halfdan Koht. Otherwise find a name that "teorifagsbygget, House 1-5" in the latest part of the university. As if it did not commit the "academic subjects" in the other building?

Nanna With, eldest daughter of Richard With has been an auditorium named after him at the new University of Nordland
At the new University of Nordland has gone a bit in a other direction. It uses a named preview that identitetsmarkørar, where Nordland identity must be grown. To have all the auditorium named after famous people from Nordland, the ante has meant Noka for the region or who have made their mark in the building of the institution. The Graduate School will find a room named after Peter Thomassen (Member of Parliament and universitetetsbyggar) and Vebjørn Tandberg (Tandberg radio), while Nanna With (the country's first female newspaper editor) has an auditorium named after him where the journalists are. Otherwise we find the auditorium named after people who Rokkkan Stein, Elias Blix and Knut Hamsun, Pauline Skar, Regine Normann and Ole Tobias Olsen.

For those who do not know the persons it is also writing a separate text with biographical information outside the room. How can one also appears that the story not start with us, and in addition, that we stand on "the shoulders of giants."