Sunday, April 10, 2011

Making A Home For My Hedgehog

University of Nordland shows the way

For many years, there have been proposals from various environments at the University of Tromso to provide houses and buildings on campus named after people, so there are many other places. Many critics have seen "through the building" and "Breivika III" is stupid names. But in all these years, there has been little interest in this. Today, only the Department of History who has received a building named after the Tromsø-born historian Halfdan Koht. Otherwise find a name that "teorifagsbygget, House 1-5" in the latest part of the university. As if it did not commit the "academic subjects" in the other building?

Nanna With, eldest daughter of Richard With has been an auditorium named after him at the new University of Nordland
At the new University of Nordland has gone a bit in a other direction. It uses a named preview that identitetsmarkørar, where Nordland identity must be grown. To have all the auditorium named after famous people from Nordland, the ante has meant Noka for the region or who have made their mark in the building of the institution. The Graduate School will find a room named after Peter Thomassen (Member of Parliament and universitetetsbyggar) and Vebjørn Tandberg (Tandberg radio), while Nanna With (the country's first female newspaper editor) has an auditorium named after him where the journalists are. Otherwise we find the auditorium named after people who Rokkkan Stein, Elias Blix and Knut Hamsun, Pauline Skar, Regine Normann and Ole Tobias Olsen.

For those who do not know the persons it is also writing a separate text with biographical information outside the room. How can one also appears that the story not start with us, and in addition, that we stand on "the shoulders of giants."


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