Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Shoe Design Course Scholarship

Where were you?

when .. Abrupt Oddvar broke his pole? It has forfølgt us in all these years as perhaps the most important historical event after the war, on par with the Cuba crisis, the Olympic Games in Lillehammer and the first man on the moon. Recently I experienced a little of this history steeped in Florence. Rome's great football icon and prima donna Francesco Totti had cut its target number 200 and 201 for the club. (Sigurd Rushfeld and Harald Martin Brattbakk will have us unskyldt).
The event did not go unnoticed in the Renaissance capital. After the game, it was duly highlighted by the media and the protagonist himself. All sports channels did quartzite interview with the man, and it took a little time then. It was really interesting that almost 50 Tosca writers quickly ran so close they came up to the fence to shout out the most outrerte name-calling they could do. Fool, dumming, idiot, bastard, clown, fool, and worse, shotgun molds out of the stadium from the people you would hardly believe could make a mouse afraid. Eagerly they gestured to the east and west, while the voice cracked near the strain. Jumping up and down they did too.

But down at the stadium was completely star lungt and talked about the historical event. 201 goals in Serie A. worst was that he otherwise you only see on TV when he's in the game, moved like a sly fox, sly and ingenious in most he was doing, despite the lack of transparency and rapid pace. seldom see such wisdom attacks among players in international football. The fact that Totti is great also witness the frenzied shouts of. In football there is always the case that the best motspellaren is the person most abused by home fans. Not true?


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