Monday, April 11, 2011

How Do Capillary Thermostats Work

Watoto Concert - Mambo Sawa!

Last Thursday we had a great chance to go to the concert of Watoto. This is a group of children aged approximately 7-14, coming from Uganda. Most of them are orphans. Traveling around the world and singing about God's grace, raising funds for the so-called. Watoto Village. What is a "village watoto? It is the settlement of cottages along with a school and medical clinic. In each house lives eight orphaned children, which was przygarnięta by the mother. Children who had previously been forced to live on the street - recover the house, new brothers and sisters, mom, hot meals, a chance to continue learning and healthy development.

concert was an unforgettable experience - a small group of about 20 children, singing loudly and happily that " are no longer alone and never alone will not " had a big impression on us! For this, the children all the time ruszały, danced and skipped - they had incredible amounts of energy! Especially since they are already on the road three months, and before them the next three! The most we loved the song: Mambo Sawa! - Or: Life is good! - Life is good! Especially since flowed from the mouth of babes, which in this disaster have found care and love of God. It was impossible not to believe these words ... Great incentive for everyone who attended the concert.

After the concert we had a chance to shake hands with all the young performers, who lined up at the end of the hall, who came to bid farewell to the concert:) To make your "brick" - we supplied the African products: bag and necklace (made the mutilated women, who in this way, collect measures)
Want to know more? Visit:

If you are reading this article, and something in the heart does not give you peace, you may want to think about supporting this mission ...? By sponsoring a Watoto child in the village, you can change his life story. We encourage you, please visit the Watoto.

Mambo Sawa!


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