Sunday, January 30, 2011

Places In Bangalore To Celebrate Birthday'

Anonymous scrappers challenge # 14/Sketchy Colors # 56

was invited to visit last night and had it right so pleasant. I dressed and took a bottle of wine. The challenge to Anonymous scrappers was vintage with flowers and lace. Do not know about my being approved when I've used papirblonder, but I try. Trying to challenge me on Sketcy Colors too. Vekas new challenge by them is something in the colors blue, brown and white. And it is in any case this project. Enjoyed very much with this project. Prince made me vintaggen and so I dressed and made small bottle pockets and put up in a bit of good chocolate.

Good Companies To Work In Dubai

Sweet Sugar Challenge # 110/Anonyme scrappers challenge # 14

available from Sugar Sweet is vekas challenge: a decoration or a øskje gift bag. The challenge available from Anonymous scrappers 's Vintage flowers and lace. Therefore found that this bag I have decorated suitable to both challenges.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Minneapolis Blood Bank

Haakon & Haffner completely in the face of architecture 2011

Bodo stood up as the "Phoenix Bird" of the ashes of 1940. It was far from Albert Speers Naziby in Berlin that stood in Salten. Haakon & Haffner seems to have missed in its history kapitalt
Amundsen and Nansen will have me unskyldt. It's architecture this year, ie in connection with 100 anniversary of the National Association of Norwegian Architects (NAL). This has resulted in a Norwegian initiative on architecture called " Haakon & Haffner building blocks ". Every Monday a few weeks ahead you can get a breathless show of two wannabe professionals within the trade, but for God's sake, take not too good fish, Makan to nonsense we got served last, we have rarely seen .

point was that Hitler and Albert Speer had created most of the towns in Norway in a kind of Nazi visual image. This was particularly true of the 23 villages that were destroyed by German bombers in the spring of 1940. The old and silly allegations kolportert was further of the two clever and veldressa boys, without any form of critical questions. This is the program that the program believes that the discussion "on humorous way "and the" new look "will give us new perspectives on our architecture. Unfortunately, they did not power this. Everything was old nonsense. It is however not the research is done on rebuilding cities in Norway in recent years, in Tromsø and Trondheim. It is precisely the perspective that there was considerable scope for local adaptation and that the old urban plan from before the war was taken into and continued in the new plans.

On a speculative manner had Haakon & Haffner cross-cut interviews with Albert Speer in which he stated about the Nazi-inspired architecture in Berlin, only to give viewers the impression that he was talking about Kristiansund or another of the Norwegian war-ravaged cities. Can you know see the difference between Bodo over from about 1950 and plans for Berlin?
Control Architecture Claus W. Kamstrup, the BSR office in Bodø compiled a comprehensive overview of "Bodo Urban" in 1950-51 in the form of a small booklet with a map attachment. In the booklet he gave a brief outline of the urban history of the city in Salten towards war fire in 1940. Kamstrup definitely emphasizes the historical roots behind Bodø's reconstruction plan. It is the regulation of the city from 1920 years to become continued in the new plan, write Kamstrup and shows the background behind the planning of the 20-years, which had its origin in two key events. Firstly, there had been a railroad survey in 1917, which made it clear that the city would pave the way for the new time-travel and transport. Particularly urgent it was for the city and see the railway establishment in the context of port development. The second important factor was the rapid growth in the construction of residential buildings within the area Kamstrup characterized as "the open suburban areas, particularly in the area by Rensåsgata and south. There was a need to have a temporal regulation of this construction growth, type Kamstrup. [1]

In the history of the presentation to control the architect, there is little doubt that the city handled reconstruction independent and independent. Everything in July 1940 "addressed to the Presidency of the architect Christopher Long with a request to present a proposal for regulation of the fire district", type Kamstrup in his meticulous note Bodo Urban . [2] This was long before Speer and co had taken control of planning from Berlin, let alone Joseph Terboven and Rikskommissariatet in Oslo. There was certainly no accident that it was long the local authorities contacted. It was he who had first-prize draft competition byregulering in 1920. It was moreover Lange's urban one was built on until krigsherjingane in 1940.
Meanwhile contains words that give them out to be experts on urban development continue to misinform people about the conditions around byreguleringa during the war. NRK must stop this nonsense! At least someone should get a chance to adjust this in. Everything could not just be about to make it humorous and in a new way. It all have to have substance, and unfortunately "Håkon and Haffner"; it was historically the way the face!
It's actually quite serious that you go around to characterize anything to be a Nazi when it is not so. Imagine if it was your brother?

[1] Kamstrup: Bodo city. The main features of its development and regulatory activities performed by Roasted Places Adjustment: 10 BSR archive Ain 1946-51:

[2] Kamstrup: Bodo city. The main features of its development and regulatory activities performed by Roasted Places Adjustment: 10 BSR archive Ain 1946-51:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie Strem

Sweet Sugar challenge # 109

has even made a contribution to the sugar sweet challenge this week. Thus a project / card that contains chocolate. Bought part of Ikea's hjerteøskjer with chocolate before Christmas as I dressed, and gave away. Had a lying back and here is the result of what I did last night. I have used one of the new Magnolia branded I've bought myself and the paper is also the great new securities to Maja Design.

Have a nice evening folks!

Can A Brain Hemoerhage Be Detected

New semester - new items - new challenges

school greeted us very warmly. This time without any problems with the plane flew back to England. The dorm has the same evening, our friends, whom I have not seen, coming in to talk to us. This week is the week of exams and all behave as quietly so not to disturb anyone to learn. But from next week now will be loud:)

this semester I have chosen subjects: Contemporary preaching, Pentecostal approach to spiritual gifts and leadership in the church. These are my main subjects and in addition I will go to early church history, youth leader, Study of the New Testament, the Apostle and Prophet - The modern leader.

blessing for us is the little work that is to enter into the computer survey from the famous professor, who will take us probably a month! By the way we learn to know the Chinese and Asian Pentecostal little better (Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur):).

... We returned to the generous "pot" Lord God!

Source: 20Photos/kuala_lumpurSkyline.jpg

Monday, January 24, 2011

How Much Does Hair Straightening Cost In India

Challenge # 109

Here is my contribution to vekas challenge Sweet as Sugar. The challenge was a project team / card that contains chocolate. I have decorated a bag to have chocolate inside. Have gradually made many of these and they are applicable just to a bag twist. Very fun to make, are not tired of them. Here I used a friendly stamp from the fairytale series to Magnolia. Securities, the new series to the lovely Maja design - Fika. Quite hopeless to capture the evening now at this time of year, is certainly not happy with them, but I get they do not improve, unfortunately ..

Brent Corrigan Full Movies

"FOG" film

Mist - Newspaper Poland from grapikable he Vimeo.

Film FOG

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Why Did My Pap Smear Hurt

birthday cards and new stamps

Here is a birthday card I made for my sister one. Have ordered and received a new Magnolia stamp this week. Have not got time to spend. Have washed, cleaned and made to family birthday at home, was 28 at the table this afternoon / evening. Now I will add me and get up a little early tomorrow and get my youngest son on the volleyball tournament and so I will purr and cuddle me to make cards. Good weekend to all men!

What Causes Metallic Taste In Mouth Before Period

Last Days

our semester break coming to an end. Together with families and friends spent good time! Even on a Monday flight to England. I already can not wait:) Lila little less (because you will say goodbye to their families). On Monday evening, fall asleep in bed in our dorm. Again, you will need to get used to a different lifestyle. For me it is a revelation - because science is there a pleasure.

again be time to walk alone to the Bible, the grassy field behind the school, go back to the shelves heavy with books, again with the British pobędziemy .. .

Back to the school ...

Best Portrait Tripod Slr

Sikorski resigned

Sikorski: ws. crash report will be consulted with experts

Radoslaw Sikorski said Poland and Russia will consult foundation report on the Smolensk disaster with the best experts from both countries, and perhaps also from other countries.
- agreed that, in our mutual interest is that the final report of research on the causes of Smolensk was a convincing case for the world public opinion and, above all, the Polish public opinion - "Sikorski said after a meeting of the Strategy Committee of Polish-Russian Cooperation.
added that to this end, the report will be consulted with the best experts in Russia, Poland and possibly in third countries.
In turn, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that "cooperation, which has been established between the Russian and Polish experts, professionals, ministries, it is without precedent."
stressed that the Interstate Aviation Committee (MAK) and the Russian Prosecutor General's Office not only meet all the requirements of international law, but both of these institutions also have made important steps that "do not have to do under the law, but did so with in mind the peculiarity of this event, ".
As he said, These specific steps are to provide information, documents, or the ability to see the place of tragedy.
During his visit to Warsaw, the head of Russian diplomacy will also meet, among others President Bronislaw Komorowski.
This morning there was speculation that the Russian Foreign can join Vladimir Putin, but neither the government nor the foreign ministry did not confirm this information

Population Genetics Ap Lab

Who remembers the summit Sikorski - Lavrov

Who remembers Lavrov at the annual meeting of ambassadors from the Minister Sikorski Polish strategies are discussed in the international arena. At this meeting attended by Foreign Minister Lavrov of Russia. The same Lavrov said today that the report is closed MAK

other comments the-devil

Restraints In Hospitals

Quote year 2011 - second place

Jaroslaw Kaczynski:

"Under the leadership of Donald Tusk goes toward that of losing dignity, and freedom will also be threatened,"

Hoe To Make Ceiling Drapes

Quote year 2011 - is the winner

Janusz Wojciechowski:

"The Russians have us there, where under the leadership of Prime Minister Tusk that we entered a very fiercely,"

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cheats For Pokemon Fire Red For Gpsphone

When the Holocaust came to Narvik

On 27 January marks the international Holocaust Memorial Day. The day when Soviet troops entered the concentration camp Auschwitz in Poland. Only then was a survey of the extent of Nazi atrocities, mainly directed at Jews. In this camp also had nine of the 15 Jews from Narvik died as part of the Holocaust.
Samuel Fischer from Narvik died only 35 years old in Auschwitz in 1943. Here photographed together with Inga Kristoffersen happy days will begin again.

measures against Holocaust denial
It was in 2006 the UN took the initiative to commemorate the selection that both would honor all victims of the Holocaust, and simultaneously strengthen the respect and dignity for the individual. Moreover, the UN would celebrate diversity, strengthen human rights and knock down the Holocaust-denial. The last was perhaps most important, when anti-Semitism water forward, hand in hand with other forms of discrimination.
; Norwegian war experiences
The Norwegian war experiences taught us the value of standing against the totalitarian regime and dictatorship, but also about how racial discrimination with under-and over-worked arrangement of races in all its horror. Up north we saw how the Yugoslav and Soviet prisoners of war were tortured to death, and only later we got to know about our own persecution of their stay in prison camps in Norway and the Continent.
Police officers will be removed
From Narvik was, for example, sent four police officers who did not let himself to subdue the Stutthof camp in Poland. One of the Narvik boys, Rolf Berg told the Forward in 1995 that young men in their prime had the opportunity to work themselves to death in the camps, while women, children and the elderly were considered unproductive, and gas to death. Despite the hardships they had not the same tough treatment as the worst delay. Berg was Norwegian and had ration and workload of different caliber than the Jews, Gypsies and other so-called "in person".
Caplan family's life
Merchant Jacob Caplan did not return to Narvik after the war. He was among the first arrested Jews in the north, when the family was emphasized by the noise outside the house in Upper Street Promenade 18 June 1941. At the megaphone shouting police that men had to get on the street, and then was deported Caplan south along with his father and four brothers, and several other Jews from the region, including Martin Fischer from Narvik. Life even in a German concentration camp, as it also went to Narvik Director Isac Pickelner.
Miracle for Sara, Sammy and Harry Caplan
But Caplan's wife, Sara, and sons, Sammy (Solomon) and Harry saved his life miraculously. They were arrested and sent to prison Bredtveit in Oslo in November 1942. In the chaos of a bomb attack on Bredtveit Sara got help to escape from a German officer. After a quick operation were the three on the road with trains to Sarah's native Copenhagen, where they went underground, before they fled in haste to hui to Sweden with a fishing boat in 1943. The Danish resistance movement was more active than the Norwegian in the rescue of Danish Jews, but then they had better conditions to get people to Sweden. Today Harry lives in the U.S..
family Fischer
Fischer family, were Jews established the firm "Narvik herreekvipering" when they came to town in the 1920s. The firm was in the King's gate 14 where the Post Office and police are today. Assault Day April 9th \u200b\u200b1940 family fled to Skjomen together with the Jewish family Caplan. There, they were surrendered to the Allies on June 10, but Abel Fischer and his uncle Samuel was convinced that Jews were unsafe times ahead. They therefore took Sweden to the same summer.
Jew arrest in Narvik
When on duty at Narvik Police arrived at work at 24.00 on October 25, 1942, low arrest warrant on the rest of the male Jews in Narvik on the desk. Oscar Emanuel Bernstein, David, Samuel and Wulf Fischer was arrested, and that no one should escape arrest may take place before six o'clock. They were only with underwear, socks, eating utensils, ration cards, toiletries and credentials. The indictment was signed by a central NS man in town, former secretary of the Nazi mayor, no police lieutenant.
David Fischer mistake
David Fischer had been together with Abel in Skellefteå, and after a time when he did the wrong grip that he went back to Narvik to help his brother with the business. Abel Fischer warned him, but his uncle was unwavering: "Had he listened to me, he might have lived for many years. Instead, he ended his life in Auschwitz three years later, "Abel explained 50 years later.
Many Jews were arrested
Jødearrestasjonane in Narvik as in the rest of the country happened quickly and without warning thanks be a loyal police forces and cooperation with local Nazi star. Abel Fischer was sore when he later heard that the arrest of his father Martin, mother Bertha, his siblings Wulf, Idar and Lilian, and uncles Samuel and David were carried out with support from the set varar and local Nazi star. With the arrests, people were known as the family long before the war. Another reason that few Jews released from it alive, was that they did not understood the danger of being arrested and deported. Father Abel did not believe such could happen in peaceful Norway. He died in gas chambers in Germany. All Jews were moreover identified, and was stamped "J" as the symbol of the Jew in the passport. With this passport had not they travel, and was effectively held in place. ;
Borch-Johnsen saves Oscar and Sara Bernstein
couple Oscar and Sara Bernstein was on the other hand using the resistance movement. When Oscar was to arrest, he was hospitalized at Narvik hospital with "stomach ulcer". How he avoided being established in the road with the other Jews. When he was arrested again, the hospital refused to write him out before he was healthy, and he was hospitalized for five months. His wife Sarah was arrested and sent to Bredtveit in November 1942, but because the German order said that women should not deportation transport from spouses, she was returned to Narvik. March 25, 1943, the couple again arrested for deportation. They were collected and taken to a pending boat in the harbor that would take four hours later. Oscar Bernstein asked to wait at the hospital until departure, and when transport was thwarted a week, came the order to imprison Bernstein. Consultant Borch-Johnsen had when obtaining a medical certificate, and Bernstein did not have to sit in detention. Then performed XU leader Borch-Johnsen several antics that Oscar and Sara Bernstein came by train to Sweden: First, he performed a medical "like surgery." Then helped him to escape with the train, where the locomotive driver Gustav Bengtzon hid the couple in kolkassen in the locomotive. From the locomotive, they were smuggled into an empty, sealed freight car on the mountain, and continue over the border.
Memory work is important
Today there is little left to remind us of the Jewish element in Narvik, and other northern Norwegian towns. This despite the fact that the region was also part of the extensive anti-Semitic Holocaust project. Therefore it is important and remember what happened here, because most of those who can tell if it was put to death. Only through such a working memory, we can take care of the UN's intentions about respect and dignity for the individual, celebrate diversity and strengthen human rights, and prevent the Holocaust-denial. That we owe Isac Pickelner, families Caplan, Bernstein and Fischer, and all the others who lost their lives or were marked as a result of Hitler's ideological terror regime.

Jews from Narvik, who died in Auschwitz in 1942-43

Fam. Name
To Name
Monte Rosa
J an 43
Mon to Rosa
Monte Rosa
School student

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wishing Well Wedding Contributions

Does Putin have an influence?

The information shows the following. Tusk on a visit with Putin on Wednesday 07/04/2010, the international monitoring system is installed so that Putin has landed safely. After the visit, "systems" taken together with Putin. A visit to the rank of President of the Republic could be lower at this time because the president was wary of Russia (rusofob). Tusk special service allowing such action puts his hand to the disaster. Why visit of the Prime Minister and the President was not shared?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Prepaid Debit Cards Blogs

simple question arising out of Annex 13 to the Chicago Convention

accordance with Annex 13 to the Chicago Convention in the title of "Proceedings of the Contracting State" is simply recorded that the discrepancies reported immediately after their birth. The question is thus as follows: Did the Minister or the Prime Minister Miller declared the Tusk, during the preparation of the report, objections to ICAO?

( prawo_miedzynarodowe/konwencje/konwencja_1010.pdf)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Why Is My Period Stringy

HAPPY NEW YEAR! better late than never ..

Well when I'm here, but not so good at making posts. Today cleanup work in my room (read bomb bay), at least it looked bombed out after all the work before Christmas. Lots of paper, fabric, yarn and boss. Have not made shortly after Christmas, but nice to get cleared up the room, is now ready for some "paperwork". Ordered me some new stamp and a little trifles last night and looking forward to it appear. However, no doctor lazy. Is started to knit a dress for myself, if it is done ever get the time display. Intend to teach me photoshop and have buzzed a bit with back then, when the lessons are fast ... but it's incredibly fun. Plan to buy my SLR, but must save a bit first. We have a house that I can borrow so then is not sorry for me. Otherwise, so I've made a dress on order this week. Have one to which I have now starts on, it was to been made long ago ... So here is enough to keep my fingers in. I hope releasing the flu, had a cold in the week respectively before Christmas. Our youngest son has been ill all week and the next proper shabby with fever, headache, sore throat and cough but not least. Is so horrible to listen to, especially at night, even better to cough than to listen to him. Have got hold of cough syrup available from your doctor, hope it will help. The second zone is having been in Brazil for two weeks now and will be on the way home tonight. Hope your trip home goes okay so we have him at home tomorrow night. He is 19 years in the morning, but the celebration, we take another day, estimates he's tired tomorrow night when he comes. Lay out a couple of pictures some vinkort, a few "twist bags" and the dress I've made. Have a nice continued Saturday night!

Here are a couple of bottles of wine with Christmas greetings that were given away to good neighbors.

Then came a couple of gift bags that were also given away to good friends. Should soon learn to take pictures of posane without a twist, but forget it ever! If it only when I use images and when it is too late, when posane is long out of the house. These images are certainly not top quality either.

And, finally, the dress I made this week, it would be a birthday present for a girl 11 years. Could just pictures on mobile phone of a happy lady. It fit nicely and it was nice. Has made it into chenille and fleece, so I have knitted collar and violations of arms. At heart, I have sewn on a button from the reel, and Petronella, they have incredible lots of cool buttons.

Diagram Of A Bread Toaster Circuits

Program of the 2007 election PO who disappeared from the pages

Cut And Sew Anarkali Suit

Difficult Questions to TUSK

Prime Minister Donald Tusk after the final report, MAK

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How To Give A Lacrosse Helmet Tilt?

Direction - Szczecin

This time on the weekend we were invited to the church in Szczecin, where we will have the opportunity to share our testimony of how God leads us.
packing once again .. a few suitcases, segregation (in Szczecin, which is in Opole, and then goes to Bielsko, which is in Opole to our return in the autumn .. the laundry, the ironing ..)
listen to CD Beata Bednarz, trying to hold the last bits of "festive mood" .. The text of one of the chorus is worth remembering for the whole year

"Maybe once that happens, that what is good in us and each day will be so, and not just once a year, when everything is white around it, maybe I, maybe you can, live to see such moments."

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sharp Pain Belly Button


Welcome to the New Year!

In view of the fact that last week we pass on our family traveling between the cities and a lot going on - on our blog you can see a slight slowdown .. We hope that you are not discouraged and will continue to accompany us:)

Today we go for service in the elimination, in Cieszyn, where Oliver was asked to Help the Word of God. We are very pleased with this opportunity to greet on the occasion of all members and friends of the congregation.

See you there!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Starcraft Tent Trailer Reviews 1994

Kongsbakken denies the non-Norwegian

in Christmas asked one of the teachers at Konsbakken vgs who I was and gave all the uninitiated know about it . The reason was that I had asked serious questions about the effort the school had been granted. The reason for the application was a Application to reduce the burden right for Norwegian teachers, as a department chairman had presented the article just before Christmas NORLYS.

my post 23.12. object to the Northern Lights-Chronicle, fell Sonja Arnesen heavy for your chest. The article to the department chairman at Kongsbakken generated debate, and aggressively went ho me in the face. I noted that the school had not sufficiently looked into the rules for trials, and that the experiment was formally approved well into the school year. She also disliked that I characterized the flow of information as poor. The school has, for instance, not given parents the opportunity to choose if they do not want to be involved in their mail submitted a letter of 1 November 2010. (Note the date!) test is a "fait accompli ". It is normal to ask parents to return a reply slip which they respond if they want the pupils to have all three Norwegian-marks or not. On Kongsbakken, one is not done it.
As the father of a son in the first year of secondary school, I have an interest in what the school is doing, because such "attempts" is transmitted to other schools. Kongsbakken their "attempt" is the example taken from Fana, and the ongoing campaigns including on Facebook where individuals will have a character in Norwegian law because the burden is so great.
school should not live their own anonymous life, without influence from the rest of society. It was just what was the point of division leader's chronicle of the case, and there is meaning in my post. Nynorsk team will participate in public debate as everyone else.
We have also followed similar experiments with Argus eyes, because they hide in many cases campaigns against nynorsk writing instruction in school. We believe the Norwegian subject not to be lacking Nynorsk konstatererer that attempts Revetal and Bugården Mosvik in Vestfold and Nord-Trøndelag has the goal of it. These cases have also involved other ( 20til% 20livs% 20the% 20forsk% 20med% 20fritak.pdf ). Among other things, the minister Clemet, Djupedal, Solhjell and now last Halvorsen, all have had to pertains to them. Kongsbakken will now associate mad second schools that have serious so-called "test". Our report also shows examples of other attempts in the secondary schools of dubious nature.
In December, Trine Skei Grande a question in Parliament about Kongsbakken experiment. Halvorsen Minister stressed in its response to King Hill, that "[E] Levene must get thorough information about the scheme and it should be voluntary." When the case is coming to the Parliament we hope they will also abreast of what Kongsbakken do.
Our investigations have also shown that such tests are not evaluated or missing quarters only reports and evaluations. Evaluation is also not wanted by those responsible and the Directorate of Education has not imposed the national evaluation, and does not intend to do so. It makes us worried. When Kongsbakken have been allowed to start the experiment without his custom evaluations, there is reason to question the value of it. Kongsbakken has not told who is to evaluate, at what point it will happen and how a plan that will provide new knowledge about how students will be better to write both the Norwegian-Bokmal and Nynorsk. Try without clear goals is in our view, without value.
After Kongsbakken its involvement in the matter so far should one believe that they have already decided that the "experiment" is successful.
Parents should also be worried about character set preview in Norwegian for their son / daughter. In what way will a brief students on how is the way in different parts of the subject in order to make visible development in oral, nynorsk and bokmål? Those failing the parts of the subject, the iron in the whole subject, and must take it all over again. This is a direct nuisance pupils will be able to get. With a normal regime will be able to stand in oral and bokmål about an item in Norwegian.
The most important objection is that our number of assessed written assignments will be reduced, and it was apparently meaning since no one will "produce as much character grounds", as it has been writing from Kongsbakken. Behind the attempt is there a desire for less correction. This is in conflict with pupils' needs for more training in writing as measured by grade. In normal arrangement they would have more Writing. It is sikraste matter to follow the scheme with three karakerar, because it sets the student best able to meet grade and examination requirements for final examinations in Norwegian.