Thursday, January 27, 2011

Minneapolis Blood Bank

Haakon & Haffner completely in the face of architecture 2011

Bodo stood up as the "Phoenix Bird" of the ashes of 1940. It was far from Albert Speers Naziby in Berlin that stood in Salten. Haakon & Haffner seems to have missed in its history kapitalt
Amundsen and Nansen will have me unskyldt. It's architecture this year, ie in connection with 100 anniversary of the National Association of Norwegian Architects (NAL). This has resulted in a Norwegian initiative on architecture called " Haakon & Haffner building blocks ". Every Monday a few weeks ahead you can get a breathless show of two wannabe professionals within the trade, but for God's sake, take not too good fish, Makan to nonsense we got served last, we have rarely seen .

point was that Hitler and Albert Speer had created most of the towns in Norway in a kind of Nazi visual image. This was particularly true of the 23 villages that were destroyed by German bombers in the spring of 1940. The old and silly allegations kolportert was further of the two clever and veldressa boys, without any form of critical questions. This is the program that the program believes that the discussion "on humorous way "and the" new look "will give us new perspectives on our architecture. Unfortunately, they did not power this. Everything was old nonsense. It is however not the research is done on rebuilding cities in Norway in recent years, in Tromsø and Trondheim. It is precisely the perspective that there was considerable scope for local adaptation and that the old urban plan from before the war was taken into and continued in the new plans.

On a speculative manner had Haakon & Haffner cross-cut interviews with Albert Speer in which he stated about the Nazi-inspired architecture in Berlin, only to give viewers the impression that he was talking about Kristiansund or another of the Norwegian war-ravaged cities. Can you know see the difference between Bodo over from about 1950 and plans for Berlin?
Control Architecture Claus W. Kamstrup, the BSR office in Bodø compiled a comprehensive overview of "Bodo Urban" in 1950-51 in the form of a small booklet with a map attachment. In the booklet he gave a brief outline of the urban history of the city in Salten towards war fire in 1940. Kamstrup definitely emphasizes the historical roots behind Bodø's reconstruction plan. It is the regulation of the city from 1920 years to become continued in the new plan, write Kamstrup and shows the background behind the planning of the 20-years, which had its origin in two key events. Firstly, there had been a railroad survey in 1917, which made it clear that the city would pave the way for the new time-travel and transport. Particularly urgent it was for the city and see the railway establishment in the context of port development. The second important factor was the rapid growth in the construction of residential buildings within the area Kamstrup characterized as "the open suburban areas, particularly in the area by Rensåsgata and south. There was a need to have a temporal regulation of this construction growth, type Kamstrup. [1]

In the history of the presentation to control the architect, there is little doubt that the city handled reconstruction independent and independent. Everything in July 1940 "addressed to the Presidency of the architect Christopher Long with a request to present a proposal for regulation of the fire district", type Kamstrup in his meticulous note Bodo Urban . [2] This was long before Speer and co had taken control of planning from Berlin, let alone Joseph Terboven and Rikskommissariatet in Oslo. There was certainly no accident that it was long the local authorities contacted. It was he who had first-prize draft competition byregulering in 1920. It was moreover Lange's urban one was built on until krigsherjingane in 1940.
Meanwhile contains words that give them out to be experts on urban development continue to misinform people about the conditions around byreguleringa during the war. NRK must stop this nonsense! At least someone should get a chance to adjust this in. Everything could not just be about to make it humorous and in a new way. It all have to have substance, and unfortunately "Håkon and Haffner"; it was historically the way the face!
It's actually quite serious that you go around to characterize anything to be a Nazi when it is not so. Imagine if it was your brother?

[1] Kamstrup: Bodo city. The main features of its development and regulatory activities performed by Roasted Places Adjustment: 10 BSR archive Ain 1946-51:

[2] Kamstrup: Bodo city. The main features of its development and regulatory activities performed by Roasted Places Adjustment: 10 BSR archive Ain 1946-51:


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