Thursday, January 13, 2011

How To Give A Lacrosse Helmet Tilt?

Direction - Szczecin

This time on the weekend we were invited to the church in Szczecin, where we will have the opportunity to share our testimony of how God leads us.
packing once again .. a few suitcases, segregation (in Szczecin, which is in Opole, and then goes to Bielsko, which is in Opole to our return in the autumn .. the laundry, the ironing ..)
listen to CD Beata Bednarz, trying to hold the last bits of "festive mood" .. The text of one of the chorus is worth remembering for the whole year

"Maybe once that happens, that what is good in us and each day will be so, and not just once a year, when everything is white around it, maybe I, maybe you can, live to see such moments."


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