Saturday, January 22, 2011

Best Portrait Tripod Slr

Sikorski resigned

Sikorski: ws. crash report will be consulted with experts

Radoslaw Sikorski said Poland and Russia will consult foundation report on the Smolensk disaster with the best experts from both countries, and perhaps also from other countries.
- agreed that, in our mutual interest is that the final report of research on the causes of Smolensk was a convincing case for the world public opinion and, above all, the Polish public opinion - "Sikorski said after a meeting of the Strategy Committee of Polish-Russian Cooperation.
added that to this end, the report will be consulted with the best experts in Russia, Poland and possibly in third countries.
In turn, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that "cooperation, which has been established between the Russian and Polish experts, professionals, ministries, it is without precedent."
stressed that the Interstate Aviation Committee (MAK) and the Russian Prosecutor General's Office not only meet all the requirements of international law, but both of these institutions also have made important steps that "do not have to do under the law, but did so with in mind the peculiarity of this event, ".
As he said, These specific steps are to provide information, documents, or the ability to see the place of tragedy.
During his visit to Warsaw, the head of Russian diplomacy will also meet, among others President Bronislaw Komorowski.
This morning there was speculation that the Russian Foreign can join Vladimir Putin, but neither the government nor the foreign ministry did not confirm this information


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