Saturday, January 15, 2011

Why Is My Period Stringy

HAPPY NEW YEAR! better late than never ..

Well when I'm here, but not so good at making posts. Today cleanup work in my room (read bomb bay), at least it looked bombed out after all the work before Christmas. Lots of paper, fabric, yarn and boss. Have not made shortly after Christmas, but nice to get cleared up the room, is now ready for some "paperwork". Ordered me some new stamp and a little trifles last night and looking forward to it appear. However, no doctor lazy. Is started to knit a dress for myself, if it is done ever get the time display. Intend to teach me photoshop and have buzzed a bit with back then, when the lessons are fast ... but it's incredibly fun. Plan to buy my SLR, but must save a bit first. We have a house that I can borrow so then is not sorry for me. Otherwise, so I've made a dress on order this week. Have one to which I have now starts on, it was to been made long ago ... So here is enough to keep my fingers in. I hope releasing the flu, had a cold in the week respectively before Christmas. Our youngest son has been ill all week and the next proper shabby with fever, headache, sore throat and cough but not least. Is so horrible to listen to, especially at night, even better to cough than to listen to him. Have got hold of cough syrup available from your doctor, hope it will help. The second zone is having been in Brazil for two weeks now and will be on the way home tonight. Hope your trip home goes okay so we have him at home tomorrow night. He is 19 years in the morning, but the celebration, we take another day, estimates he's tired tomorrow night when he comes. Lay out a couple of pictures some vinkort, a few "twist bags" and the dress I've made. Have a nice continued Saturday night!

Here are a couple of bottles of wine with Christmas greetings that were given away to good neighbors.

Then came a couple of gift bags that were also given away to good friends. Should soon learn to take pictures of posane without a twist, but forget it ever! If it only when I use images and when it is too late, when posane is long out of the house. These images are certainly not top quality either.

And, finally, the dress I made this week, it would be a birthday present for a girl 11 years. Could just pictures on mobile phone of a happy lady. It fit nicely and it was nice. Has made it into chenille and fleece, so I have knitted collar and violations of arms. At heart, I have sewn on a button from the reel, and Petronella, they have incredible lots of cool buttons.


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