Sunday, February 13, 2011

How To Say Congrat When Someone Have New House

I and my fellow

Today was a very successful day, although it is not over yet. Together with my colleague went to the church in Wambley about 45 minutes by car from the university. The first time I was there but people turned out to be very open and as for the first time I had the opportunity many times to make something of myself into this Sunday's worship. At the beginning I was asked to pray to start the service, then prayed for an older person who needed healing, and then helped when I finished the Lord's Supper and in prayer to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Although we were only 20 people is the atmosphere was joyful and often leads drove us to laugh. I have to admit that something in this church was ... What I'd like every day more.

Life Bible School is not such a simple task. You have to manage time wisely in order to make it with everything - you can not beat the school to then, the books themselves do not read and have time for a moment of reflection with a Bible in hand and do not neglect the relationship with Jesus. But sometimes it happens that in spite of all our sincere desire to keep up with everything we cease to have time for yourself - relax. Just so happened this Tuesday. We had a moment 'waves'. So we needed some words of consolation, something spiritual, what character from God, that has not forgotten about us ... I must admit that long so I did not feel bad, and along with Lila prayed for a messenger, who would knock on the door and said something good ... Unfortunately, this did not happen.
next day, sitting at dinner, suddenly sat up, our friend. We talked about the vision for the future. Suddenly he began telling us his story with such zeal and passion we have not seen yet in the students. This conversation was like a hit. God saw you on the need and responded. And that this should be the bible college! That is what my God! Your plain gray day when He appears, can change into something that you remember for a long time!

And finally, I and my fellow cleaned the room and as such is ready for tomorrow's Valentine's Day! I hope that all happen to love on this day something special ... :)


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