Saturday, February 5, 2011

Lamp Lighting Cermony Quotation

Are you the gifts of faith?

David Petts wrote a very interesting book about the "Body Builders." No, not about people in helmets and rubber boots walking around the construction site. But it comes to things that contribute to the construction of "the Body of Christ", ie the Church. A good example are the spiritual gifts - the manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power - the Church of development, learning and encouragement. An interesting thing is his thesis, which says that to use them do not have to have great faith. Nay, sometimes it happens that the Holy Spirit works through us even in the absence of our faith!

So how is it that we are all used by the Spirit? Everything starts with a relationship with God. We must remember that the Holy Spirit is a person and not just power. The result of this relationship, our ability to listen to his voice. But it happens in every human relationship. When two people are staying for a longer time with each other to learn to recognize the voice of that other person. It is no different in the case of the community with the Holy Spirit. Being in a close relationship with Him, He speaks to us in different situations. A hearing is born with faith. Thus, despite the lack of our faith, God can speak to us and then the belief is back. She makes us obedient and things happen. The Holy Spirit is manifests the omnifarious way in order to build his church.

That tells me that no matter of how we feel spiritually, the most important thing is being in constant relationship with the Holy Spirit. When we do, we begin to realize the fact that we walk in the helmet and rubber boots ...


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