Monday, February 7, 2011

Swallowing Live Fish In Belly

seems confusing debate about language

Sami is not easy to swallow in Bodø rather
It will not be easy to discuss issues related to image, identity and ethnicity. When you do the pipe while the emotions of people and it may turn out in all directions. First show Bodo their generous hot to the Saami by putting a double sign at the entrance to the city. Bådåddjo also states, in addition to Bodø. Yes, yes, I thought, so we knew it. Bodo called it Lule. Simple and informative I thought, but then errors can be take. First was the war from those who were thought Bodo Bodo, basta! Then came the marginalized group Pitesamane Sami language on the court. The city called Buvda in the language, and Bodo lies in the heartland of Pitesamane. So hell was loose. Just listen to the argument:

"I personally think we should get a Bodo signs in Arabic, it will be at least as natural as having it in Sami. It is after all a nation that has put a greater influence on city \u200b\u200bthan the Sami, and are more visible, both in politics and culture than either lulesamer and pitesamer together. "

Yes Arabic is the one core area in Salten?

Og denne: "Det er helt utrolig at samene i det hele tatt får ha et samisk skilt i Bodø. Begge de samiske navnene er oppkonstruert i nyere tid pga samene ikke hadde noe navn på Bodø. Likevel hevder de det er et samisk område. Når skal denne galskapen stoppe."

Ja for bokmål er jo eit naturleg språk, og det danske namnet Bodø er jo sjølvsagt skapt av naturen sjølv, eller Gud, eller noka anna naturleg?

Verre vart det etterkvart:
"Send samene og alt de representerer til Sibir, så får vi slutt på galskapen!" og "Samene er et fornuftig og praktisk folkeslag som ikke would devilish words in his vocabulary. Otherwise they are fully aware that Muhammad really was an outcast reindeer. "

altitude point, however, was this:
" Remove all the dirt the sign, it should only be parted in translation in Norway ... ... ... Bodo remains Bodo and not Båsdfklmrfgnlkgknjvr or whatever the hell these Lapps now want to call it. "

Yes, yes, it will not be easy with the language in Norway, but we know the målfolk all about. Norwegian names are of the all means not talking about using in Tromso, Vardo, Vadsø and Bodø. Where we put our trust in Harstad and Narvik that never was fordanska such "Bodo" \u200b\u200bwas.


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