Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Has created a dress that I've promised her friend for a too long ago. Finally, I put myself down and made it. Has he passed on and hope she is happy with it, she said no so anyway. Otherwise, I have made a couple of birthday card for a sister and her son who celebrated her birthday today. Held on with a birthday card, but I must wait to post until I have passed it. Here is the winter holiday this week, will be working tomorrow and Tuesday, the rest of the week are free, will be delicious with some days off:)

Here is the dress sewn in purple chenille with appliqued hearts, little latticed fabric down and ermane and a little lace and belong ....

a small crown back.

Here is the card I made for my sister-in vintage style with butterflies on. Think the butterflies are so nice and got a bit hooked on them after they came to the house.

The baby's aunt, a great little guy who was seven in the day, I decorated a walnut box.
filled it with twist and money.


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