Saturday, March 26, 2011

Gb4iphone Troubleshoot

What is this list?

People with authentic names changed names (at birth), the following persons have been established based on:
1) Data secret records of the Polish population of the Central Bureau of Ministry of Interior Address (No arch 1/6526/1 - 09/07/1984 archiving date, registration number 14750-99 - date of registration Fac. III-2, SUSW Warsaw).
2) The ratio of people who personally know many of the reported.
3) Figures released by the historians in their numerous publications.
first George Albrecht - Finkelstein
second Amsterdam - Saul Henrykowski
third Stanislaw Arski - Apfelbaum
4th Stefan Arski - Arthur Salman
5th George WEIGEL - Joshua Niedoperz
6th Leszek Balcerowicz - Aaron Bucholtz
7th Richard Bender - Fajwisch Berenstein
8th Jan K. Bielecki - Isaac Blumenfeld
9th Czeslaw Bartnik - Schmuel Bartmann.
10.Jerzy Buzek - Myszures Zweinos
11th Michał Boni - James Bauer
12th Leszek Bubel - Srul Bubelstein
13th Iwo Byczewski - Aaron Berman
14th Marek Borowski - Simon Berman
15th Stefan Bratkowski - Blumstejn
16th Bogdan Borusewicz-Zvi Bronstejn
17th Brzechwa Jan - 18th Jan Worobiec
Ryszard Bugaj - Isaac Blumfeld
19th Zbigniew Bujak - left the son of a rabbi Malachowski
20th August Chełkowski - David Cnajbaum
21st Czerwoński Peter (Professor of KUL) - Pinkus Rotstein
22nd Wieslaw Chrzanowski - Simon Knopfstejn
23rd Adam Cichocki - Aaron Zigenbaum
24th Cimoszewicz - David Goldstein, 25th
Bernard Sugar - Kola
26th Joseph Cyrankiewicz - Isaac Cymerman
27th Czekalski Marek (Lodz Mayor) - Wachter
28th Tadeusz Daniszewski - David Kirschbaum
29th Ostap Dłuska - Adolf Langer
30th Kazimierz Deyna (footballer) - Cap
31st Ludwik Dorn-Lutan Dornbaum
32nd Andrzej Drzycimski - Abraham Engel
33rd Lech Falandysz - Aaron Fleischman
34th Arkady Fidler - Efroim Trusker
35th Pawel Finder - Pinkus
36th Aleksander Ford - 37th Liwczyc
Wladyslaw Frasyniuk - Rotenschwanz
38th George Frydberg - Israel Frydberg
39th Bronislaw Geremek - Berel Lewartow
40.Józef Glemp-Joshua Szoken
41st Henry Goryszewski - James Glikman
42. Roman Giertych-Pinkus Gerbaum
43rd Wiktor Górecki - Muhlrad, "commando" of the 1968 44th
Maria Górowska (judge) - Sand or Berger
45th Halina Górska - Sara Kugelschwanz
46th Alina Grabowska - Sara Rotenfisch
47th Gronkiewicz-Waltz - Hajek Grundbaum
48th Ryszard Marek Gronski - Goldberger
49th Wiktor Grosz - Isaac madrassas
50. Jacek Groszkowski - Hersh Herszkowicz
51st Leon Halban - Blumenstok, prof. KUL
52nd Alexander Hall - Miron Hurman
53rd Hemar Marian - Marian Herscheles
jan 54th Joseph Hennelowa - Zyta Goldmond
55th Hirszowski Simon - Simon Hirsch
56th Joseph Hubner - David Yosef
57th Peter Ikonowicz - David Goldsmith
58th Henryk Jablonski - Apfelbaum
59th George Jakubowski - Misha Katenblit
60th Louis Jankowska - Luba Kaunas
61st Andrzej Jaroszewicz - Aron
62nd Samet Jaroszyński Peter (philosopher) - Pinkus Benar
63rd Deputy Gabriel Janowski - Aaron Aksman
64th Mieczyslaw Jastrun - Agatstein
65th Thomas Jastrun s. Mieczyslaw - Agatstein
66th Father Jankowski prał.Henryk Jankovsky-Heine-a German Jew
67th Marek Jurek - Chaim Szacht
68th Jaroslaw Kaczynski and Lech - Kalkstein
69th Ida Kaminska - Rachel, cond. Theatre Jew. in Warsaw
70th Kieres (President IPN)-Low-Kozielewski?
71st Andrew Kern - David Ginsberg
72nd Jan Kobuszewski - Weisleder
73rd adm. Piotr Kolodziejczyk - Robert Cajmer
74th Grzegorz Kolodko - Samuel Hanerman
75th Maria Komar (generals) - Zukerman Riwa
76th Janusz Kaczmarczyk - Henry Goldschmidt
77th Janusz Korwin-Mikke - Ozias Goldberg
78th Jerzy Kosinski - Hoppy Lewinkopf
79th Janina Kotarbińska - Dina Steinberg, ż. prof. Kotarbiński
80th Mikolaj Kozakiewicz - Jacob Kleinman
81st Helena Kozlowska - Bela Frisch 82nd
Stanislaw Krajewski - Abel Kaimer
83rd Jerzy Kropiwnicki - Leiser Reichgold
84th Chris King - Aaron Rosenbaum
85th Marian Krzaklewski - David Zimmerman
86th Lucy Krzemieniecka - Vera Zeidenberg
87th Edward Flint (Journalist GW) - Wolf
88th Kunicki - Goldfinger
89th Kulczyk-Icek Kuratow
90th Zofia Kuratowska-Jaszuńska - Goldman
91st Jacek Kuron - Icek Kordblum
92nd Aleksander Kwasniewski-Sztolman


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