Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How Much Does A Cardigan Shrink

Do you think about growth?

recently read an article in Polish equivalent of the 'Christian' appeared in my mind some questions. How is it? Can I depend on growth? On the growth of my church? In this so more people had the assurance of salvation as me? Or, I am comfortable in a place where I am and I think that people do not come to church do not seek God, it's just their choice (.. 'wine'..?) If you really care about the growth of why my efforts and plans do not reflect?
In this article ( Growing gains, Re Magazine, March 2011 ) five leaders from various churches are divided zwoimi thoughts on the growth of their churches. Here are some quotes:

"Over the next ten years we want to set up three more, enthusiastic churches in nearby towns. We are constantly reminded about it, so that people know that we go somewhere and there are many possibilities commitment for each member of the church. "

" Before the end of 2011 we want in our church services attended by 120 people. "

" Our numbers increased, thanks in part to the vision of a practical and dedicated commitment to our environment [to help local schools, food bank, cleaning the city, music studio for young people from the city and other projects]. "

are just a few quotes that did not come from the leaders so. "Megakościołów. This congregation of about 60 pastors - 250cio personal.

might be worth considering whether or not to begin to have concrete plans to enlarge the family of God. To act, to have a goal. May, for example: by the end of my youth group will have five new members, and these will be people who previously were not reconciled with God, for the two years we will have to do two because I do not pomieścimy worship in our chapel every month to organize the project addressed to our mieszczańców district, every month I will invite one friend to our meetings for women ....
It's just ideas, but they are specific ideas, because some saying goes: ' If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time . " - If you aim at nothing - you hit every time ...


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