Thursday, March 17, 2011

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The red prince

Only one person is doing through the National Day celebrations in Italy, Giorgio Napolitano. Because he is so similar to Umberto II, he called the "Re Umberto" (King Umberto), and because he has tilbøyelegheiter a socialist, he has also gained the nickname "Il Principe Rosso" (The red prince). He's the kind old man whom the king illusion in our dear country in the Region. The old gentle man who does not do any harm. He who comes in from the side to say the right things when the nation needs a tensioned. He who comforts with confidence when jordskjevet frames. He is the one that gathers when it looks like after its worst political splash. His speech yesterday was well received.
speech to the old communist. He who supported the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956. Age may make wise?

Prime Minister in this country is not capable of concertina such a role, naturally. He has not grown enough. Nor was reasonable enough. If Giorgio Napolitano is the king, Berlusconi is the fool.

Soon Napolitano goes by and then there are many who are worried about what's going on. We got a taste of how people forheld to this yesterday, when the ceremony in Rome was the storeroom and pipe when Berlusconiregjeringa's Defense to the health people. He darted Avgarde after a brief appeal, unwanted by the people he is seen to seats. Maybe not so strange when people get an equal return from Afghanistan almost every month during his service.

Even the mayor of Rome, a clear fascistist politician, was the slippery layers of his own party on the day. When there is something else with Napolitano.


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