Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How To Vesel From Mouth

Italy is not a brothel!
There is an ever so slight struggle for the constitution to Italy at the moment. Powerful forces will tear the Constitution and create a federal state on the pattern from Germany or perhaps the United States. Behind it all hides well actually a kind of matte transparency to the state's maktesløyse to the major problems the nation faces. Regions can not fix it himself, believes many.

Today, Berlusconi's government that stands in the forefront of resolution, and in this he has a heath-gang from the rich north of the party Lega Nord. They would rather let go to pull the poor south, and the politically corrupt Rome which is only to load for them all. Today there are five regions that have a certain autonomy in several fields, among other things, Sicily, Sardinia, and German-speaking Alto Adige (Süd Tirol).

Last weekend was the selection in the largest cities in defense of the nation and the constitution. Many environmental afraid that a fragmentation can provide U.S. states, and that poor regions will fall down into a swamp of impotence, if not the nation sturgeon them. In addition, public rights could be abolished in certain parts of the country. It can provide including arbitrary treatment of minorities. From Süd Tirol has even get some complaints that the Italian-speaking minority is discriminated against. There, one of the politicians claim language test in German for those who want to live in the region, not only Italian-test. From the part of the country is either no enthusiasm surrounding the current feireing of the 150-year Italian collection.

One of the slogans during the selection for the constitution was "Italy is not a brothel, with clear references to Berlusconi's latest escapades. He can buy his prostitute "Bunga Bunga" show, but he did not sell shit konstitisjonen in the same swing! Time will show, perhaps homosexuality is forbidden in Sicily and in Campania in the future? Perhaps it will be commanded by German test for all refugees who want to live in Alto Adige? Perhaps sicilianarane even cope with refugee flows to Lampedusa from Libya and Tunisia? It is not certain that the longer a national responsibility for this when Berlusconi has sold the constitution. Nation-building is not easy in our days. Just ask Gadaffi and Mubarak.


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